Sunday Services

Every Sunday we encourage everyone in our church family of all ages and stages to come together to keep our lives centered on Jesus Christ.
Our Sundays involve celebrating Jesus together, growing in how much we know and trust Jesus, and serving each other with the selfless love Jesus pours into our lives.

Our Sunday service starts at 9.30am and roughly goes for an hour.
After the service, our cafe is open for cafe and we spend time as a community together. This is a time where we really connect as a church family; making new connections & friends to do life with. 

Have kids? We run multiple kids programs from 9.15am every Sunday, all the way from 3yo's to grade 6 kids.

If you are looking for a church or simply looking for a community to belong to, we would love to see you!


We encourage all of our church family to connect into different ministries and programs that run throughout the year. Whether you're a kid, youth or a senior (and everything in between)